Happy Birthday Taurus the Bull!

Your Keywords are “I Have”

Your Most Likeable Trait is Dependability

Your Archetype is The Search for Value and Meaning

Motivation is to develop self worth & self esteem through work, actions, abilities and talents.  

Tree House is my name for Taurus.  You love to Build and Stay Put!

Happy Birthday Taurus the Bull!  You are hosting your Ruler, Venus, the Planet of Love, most of your birthday month from April 14th until May 8th.  Lucky you Taurus, use this time to relish in the beauty, the pleasure, the food, the art, the decor all around you, that you’ve built up so beautifully and methodically.  It’s a time to love yourself dear Taurus.  Take baths, get massages, treat yourself to delicious meals, buy new clothes, go to the salon, buy some artwork, do these actions during this time no matter when your birthday is as it will rejuvenate you.  Let’s Follow the Planets…

April 20th - May 20th - The Sun is now traveling through the constellation of Taurus.  It’s a celebration of you and your new year ahead.  It’s now the time to think about your direction, your purpose, what drives you, what energizes you, what you feel excited about, your life force energy.  While thinking about these things dear Taurus, this is a time to think about what you want, who you are and what you identify with.  How do you want to take action in these things for the year ahead?

April 19th - May 3rd - You are also hosting Mercury, the Planet of Communication.  He is the Messenger God adding to these thoughts about what you want for yourself Taurus the Bull.  Take action in communicating your direction, your purpose, your drive.  Communication includes speaking, writing, reading, thinking, TV, broadcasting, email, internet, non-verbal, journals, books, listening, texting, blogging, media, websites, how you think, mental activities, ideas, figuring things out, analyses, choice of words, reason, learning, contracts, videos, photography, paintings, artwork, singing, acting, storytelling, gossiping, lying, conning, etc.  Set aside time to take action in these types of communication to help you with a plan for your new year.  You are very resourceful, you naturally think about a method, what tools you have to build what you need, you take into account the possessions you have to not only beautify your surroundings but to also use for a need.  Assess your tools to help you clarify your direction.

May 15th, 2018 - Uranus, the Planet of Change, entered your sign.  He shifted back into Aries with two retrogrades and then entered your sign again March 6th, 2019 for the long stay.  He will have you focus on changing your whole world with some surprises along the way until July 7th, 2025.  He does retrograde back to your sign again after this date for more final touches to yourself which will be discussed when the time comes.  The energy is about change.  So, with you hosting this heavy outer planet, Uranus, expect the unexpected!  This planet wants you, and at times will force you, to change, step outside the box, be different, do something different, explore and to not only do the things that you are comfortable doing.  My suggestion is to do different things that you are more comfortable with changing.  Buy a different piece of clothing that you normally wouldn’t get, get a different piece of artwork that isn’t normally your style, get a new hairstyle, for ladies wear your makeup differently, try a different culture’s food you’ve never had.  Still get and do something you like and enjoy, but do it differently.  This will open you up to the changes that are abound.  Stepping outside your comfort zone will help you see things differently and when changes come up in your career, as they will this year, you may not be so jarred by the changes.  Taurus, you are known to be the most stubborn sign in the zodiac because you are a fixed sign, meaning you stay the course, and you are an Earth sign, providing stability and reliability.  Change is not reliable, change is not predictable, change is uncertain, unknowing and can shake us up.  You work with a method and strategy in place and with your hard work in getting this set up for success, these changes can be difficult for you Taurus.  Now that you know they are here and will be here, affecting yourself, your identity, your purpose and drive, you can work with them better than not knowing.  Here are some things that will change for you:

Finances/Money - Look at new strategies to handle your funds.  Look to secure computer applications that make it easy for you to transfer and regulate your money.  Take online classes or just read more about investments and how to use your earned cash in ways that will grow.

Possessions - You may really feel the need to clean out or update your possessions.  You may want to start brand new and sell all your items that you just don’t have a need for anymore.  You’re not one to jump into action with this type of thing, so little by little give away items.  Now, one good thing to get involved in is EBay, you could really sell you items there and get really involved in making money from what you post.

Beauty - This is where I said have fun with a new hairstyle, buy a piece of clothing you normally wouldn’t, even do it at a thrift store so that if you don’t like, you didn’t spend too much money on it.  For ladies, do your make up differently or get your nails styled in a whole different way.

Décor - While selling things online, you could really update your whole interior design style.  You may be getting tired of seeing the same ol things around your house and decide to do a whole new style.  

Pleasure - You could explore new ways of finding pleasure.  Say you never got massages or went to the spa, you may start doing this more often.  You could start cooking more and find a new style of cuisine you enjoy very much.  You may find you enjoy reading books more.  You could find you really like learning more about science and technology.  Being around and having fun with children could really make your day.  

Sing Taurus Sing!  You rule the throat.  If you don’t normally sing, sing in your car, sing when you’re home alone, sing with your children.  If you do sing, join a group of singers and have fun with it.  It could be quirky and different, but so what!  You may even make a career out of it if you’re that good!

Read here on 2021 The Year of Change to help you understand these changes upon us, embrace them and work with them vs. against them:  https://www.followtheplanets.com/follow-the-planets-articles/saturn-square-uranus-2021

So with you hosting the Sun, Mercury, Uranus and your Ruler Venus dear Taurus, combining these energies will make your birthday month fun, loving, pleasurable and different!  Lavish in the beauty around you, buy flowers all month to put all around your house, eat delicious food all month long, get massages and manicures, write in your journal about what you want for yourself, make a painting you’ve always wanted to draw, do your hair differently, go buy an outfit that you normally wouldn’t, make this month different then ever before!

April 22nd - Buy artwork or a piece of clothing you normally wouldn’t, do your hair differently today, take care of yourself doing something different.  While doing this think about the future you, how to change your décor for the future and your direction into the future.  Think ahead, break out of the norm.  Your work may not like your new look, how they have had things structured may be different for your new style.  They are making changes themselves, so they will get used to it.

April 23rd - Open your ways of communicating, learning, interacting with your neighbors and siblings, do them differently.  If you are normally doing all the talking, listen instead.  If you are always listening to everyone else, do the talking.  If you are watching TV every night after work, read a book instead or vice versa.  If you don’t have a journal, buy one and start to write in it or get a journal that directs you on what to write.  Sign up for toastmasters.  Learn powerpoint, learn a new software program, go online to learn something different that will advance your career or that will help your new direction in life.  Communicate differently.

April 25th - Talk about love, write poetry, sing a love song, whatever it is, communicate love, beauty and pleasure in a way that is pleasant, graceful and diplomatic.  When communicating with your work, or your co-workers, things could go in a way that’s misunderstood.  Only say nice things to people at work today, give compliments.  

April 30th - Things can get tense today.  There can be this unexpected way of exerting yourself with what you want for you and how you want things done.  This will come up against a confrontation at work.  The positive way to use this energy is to do things on your own, on your own time that can progress things into the future in what you are personally working on.  Don’t share what you’ve done until later.

May 11th - Your Birthday New Moon.  This one is positive as it provides two opportunities.  The first one is that you have a new beginning in what you want for yourself, your direction and your purpose in life.  While you’ve been thinking about what you want for yourself with Mercury having been here, now is a time to take action on what this newness is.  One opportunity is for you to take action in communicating in a different way.  What ways have you been communicating in the past that don’t work anymore?  Let go of that way, and now start a new way.  It is beneficial to communicate with your family in this new way or around your home.  You may be communicating within the home or with family in a different way, perhaps through the internet more often.  This communication also will work very well with something in your career.  Think of ways to communicate better in your career.  Think about ways that involve a group of people, ways that can include technology or science to communicate at work, you may become involved with a social awareness group or a humanitarian cause.

The other opportunity is also with a group of people or friends and this involves your dreams and goals, your wishes and aspirations.  This includes something very creative and imaginary. This new beginning in what you want for yourself has an opportunity to heal.  Healing is about forgiving and letting go.  Healing has no boundaries, imagination has no boundaries, your dreams and wishes have no boundaries!  Really think outside the box by using your imagination in all of these things and think of this new beginning in what you want for you.  What’s your drive, what makes you excited to pursue, what are you ambitious about?  You are a natural builder Taurus, what tools and resources do you have to help you with this new direction as well as with getting creative and healing?  Wonderful opportunities are here for you to take action, use your time wisely and your intellect to create a new beginning!

For the next 2 years, you have a strong focus on your career.  While making changes in your you, making changes in your career is also a theme.  What are you building in your career Taurus?  This is very intellectual, so take the courses you need to update your skills, you may also become more involved with groups of people in your career and that can include an institution.  You love being involved in your community, so connecting with them may open some doors in ways you didn’t think actually would, so getting out to join these groups can make for some surprises.  You could be getting involved in using science and technology to advance yourself into the future.  Your career may add an element of social awareness or humanitarian causes.  Perhaps your company takes part in donating to these areas or you may take part of your salary to donate yourself.  You could use your building skills to donate your time to a cause and that may open doors to your career in ways that are unexpected.  Remember to expect the unexpected!

Now until December, you will really see an expansion in your career as well.  This is especially related to groups.  While this focus on expansion in your career shifts this summer from May 13th, 2021 - July 18th, 2021 to an expansion in your creativity, it is still focused on groups.  Know that the changes you experience are positive, optimistic, create wealth, intellectual and include popularity, generosity and success!  While changes can be difficult, think positive, act positive, widen your perspective and reach out to people in your community and beyond!

Healing is a focus now until March 30th, 2024.  Let go of that which no longer serves you.  Forgive.  Get creative and imaginary in your talent, in your craft as well as in healing.  Let go of addictions, negativity, groups of people that are not in alignment with what you value.  Do you have any illusions in your mind?  Are you buying into any illusions in your social world?  Remember you are the creator, you create your reality as well as your illusions.  Get involved in creative groups, whether that be taking a painting class, dancing, singing, photography, woodworking, whatever it is, expand your creativity, there are no limits!  Do what it takes to ultimately heal, see a psychologist, get hypnotherapy, read books on healing.  Now is the time to let go and free yourself of negative thoughts, people and what you are involving yourself with.

While last year was the breakdown of long held structures, there is still a transformation going on in this area.  For you Taurus, your transformation is in your philosophy.  A transformation can be strong in that it completely eliminates that which no longer serves you and it completely creates a new way.  This transformation is in your mental exploration.  This includes philosophy, big travel, culture, foreign people and places, media, wisdom, law, higher education, religious orientations, plans for self-improvement.  You may be questioning or researching your religion, you may become involved with the law in some way that will transform you, you could be traveling to foreign places and learning from other cultures that makes you experience life very differently than you have.  You could be going back to college.  You may also use or see the media in a whole new light.  Look at how these areas of mental exploration are long held structures that are being broken down and reborn into a whole new light in your life. 


Happy Birthday Gemini the Twins!


Happy Birthday Aries the Ram!