Happy Birthday Gemini the Twins!

Happy Birthday Gemini the Twins!!!  You have got a year of changes ahead.  Let’s go over what’s in store for you.  But first, here are a few key characteristics that make you so special:

Your Keywords are “I Think”

Your most likeable trait is Responsiveness

You rule the body parts of the hands, arms, shoulders and lungs.

Your Ruler is Mercury, he is the Messenger God, and rules over all types of communications as well as short travel.

The Archetype of Gemini is The Search for Variety

You are the sign of Intellect

My name for you is Whirlwind

The thing I say you need to do is Communicate is some way.  It is your gift.  You are quick, witty, and you make people laugh.  Communications include speaking, writing, reading, thinking, TV, broadcasting, email, internet, non-verbal, journals, books, listening, texting, blogging, media, websites, how you think, mental activities, ideas, figuring things out, analyses, choice of words, reason, learning, contracts, videos, photography, paintings, artwork, singing, acting, storytelling, gossiping, lying, conning, etc.

Your Ruler, Mercury, The Planet of Communications, is retrograde for almost your full birthday month.  He is retrograde for 3 weeks at a time.  However, it is really longer because he slows down a week before his actual retrograde and he speeds back up for a week after he goes direct.  He wants you to really think, and you are the thinker, about yourself, your direction, your purpose and what you want for yourself.  That will be the theme of the year.  As what you want for yourself will really be on your mind, you may be thinking about going back to something that was from your past.  Something that you really identify with, something you really connect to.  Perhaps you move back to a place you lived before and loved so dearly.  You may go back to a career that was from the past that you’ve switched out of.  You may go back to a job that you used to really like that was from the past perhaps in another city you lived in before.  He wants you to go online to look into these options from the past to see if they currently are the right fit for you to go back to.  Things change and it could be different than when you were there before.  Talk to your friends, family or pastime co-workers to find out what it’s like there.  Go for a visit and explore the places you loved as well as anything new.  Go to your old employer and talk with them.  With the pandemic many things have changed, so it may not be like it was in your memory or maybe it could be better or what you need right now.  Talking, reading, going online and visiting will help you decide what’s best for you.

The June 10th Eclipse at 19 Degrees Gemini will be the final eclipse for you over the past two years.  These eclipses that traveled through your sign and your opposing sign, Sagittarius, were all about knowledge.  The knowledge you have for yourself, the things you know personally and that help you in your daily life as well as the knowledge in the community and beyond, the knowledge of the whole, the things that help you see the big picture.  We have one more eclipse on December 4th at 12 Degrees Sagittarius that’s a Solar Eclipse which will be the final one involving your view of the big picture as well as your contractual agreements and this could be a new start in something very serious.  It’s a Contractual Partnership, and that includes a marriage, business partner, or any partnership that is about a signed contract.  This is a defining time that pertains to what you want for yourself and what you want in a partner.

So while this eclipse is about the spectrum of knowledge, your own and the whole, as mentioned before, it is also about what you want for yourself, what you identify with, your direction and your purpose.  These things may have really been on your mind for the last two years and you may be coming to a realization of what that is and how you want to proceed with that realization.  This can be a new direction, but yet from the past.  When the planets are properly aligned, will be when the time will be when to make that move.  It’s all about timing and that’s exactly what Astrology is about and it’s how we humans all around the globe determine time is through the motion of our Mother Planet Earth.  When the time comes to make the decision, this move will be final, there will be no turning back.  It will be time to move on.

On the other side of this area of change for what you want for yourself is what you want in a contractual partnership.  This area has also been up for change for the past two years and it has marked whether this serious partnership could move forward or end.  The final realization of this will be the last eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th.  At that time, it won’t be something you are going back to, it will be something to move forward with and it will happen immediately.  This is a make or break in this serious partnership.  Since it’s contractual, it is long term and dedicated.  As this is a Solar Eclipse in this area of your chart, it is a new beginning.  What’s interesting about it is your ruler Mercury is right next to it, traveling at full speed, wanting you to sign on the dotted line, dear Gemini!  This is a positive eclipse so you may get married, get engaged, start a business with a partner, you may sign on with a lawyer to help you with this new business, also with a CPA, whatever it is it is a contract.  It will be final, there is no turning back, you will be moving forward with this agreement.  

If you are a May Gemini Baby, you are really thinking about the kind of love you want for yourself.  That will also be the theme of the year for you.  You may really be doing more self love activities like getting massages, going to get mani’s and pedi’s, going to the spa, getting hair treatments, buying new clothing, jewelry and artwork.  You will be very magnetic this year in love.  

If you are a June Gemini Baby, you will be focusing on making your home a beautiful place, all fixed up just like you want.  You may be earning an income out of your home too.  Many people shifted their work lives to their homes and this will continue for you.

Last year really defined what kind of transformation you have been going through and this will continue to evolve until January 20th, 2024.  Your transformation is in a regeneration, especially in your career.  Your career will be very different than it was before and last year this was especially shown where it is going.   This is about a rebirth, something from the past is ending and a new creation is born.  This shift is also about lump sums of money.  This includes stocks, retirement, loans, inheritance, prize money, etc.  This may include your spouse's money as this is about a merging of energies.  What lump sums of money your spouse has or owes.  With this merge, sex and intimacy have also undergone changes you may not have even thought about.  With this merging of energies, this includes sex and intimacy and how these are evolving in your life.  Really think about how these pertain to your life.  How your career has shifted, transformed and evolved.  How your money has changed and how it involves lump sums of money.  If you are married, how your joint ventures involving money have merged.  You dear Gemini, are very open to all kinds of various ways of functioning and you like to communicate about them.  You may have gotten very creative in these areas causing a transformation into a whole new way.

Your career is going through another change as well by way of a healing of some sort.  This healing will be transformative too.  It’s important to use your imagination in your career and how you want it to transform.  This takes time and I know you are quick Gemini, you’d much rather get things done immediately.  However, not all of life is like that.  Take the time to journal how you want your career life to be.  Talk about it to trusted friends and family in your life.  You are the master communicator and that will help you open yourself up to new ways of discovering the service you want to provide.  This is about an ending and with it will come with a new beginning.  Imagine yourself in a new career, think about all kinds of ways your career can develop, use a way of communicating to express your imagination, have fun with it, explore the options, be boundless.  This will offer a healing, a release, and that is about letting go of that which no longer serves you.  Part of healing may include addictions, deceit, secrets and illusions you need to confront and release.  You also may be becoming part of an institution of some sort where you work behind the scenes.  You may use a psychotherapist to help you talk through this change.  It could be a career coach, healer, a group retreat, you are so open to all kinds of ways, you may try different ones to see what works for you to help you ultimately release.  This will open you up to your creative career transformation.

This area of healing is also going through changes in itself for you dear Gemini.  Perhaps within an institutional setting you are finding healing.  Hospitals, AA, NA, psychology are institutions.  Embrace these changes within how to heal, how to let go.  Letting go is not easy.  We can be creatures of comfort no matter how comfortable the dysfunction is.  Another part of where changes are taking place is in a self-undoing.  That is when you are betraying yourself, when you don’t listen to your inner voice, your intuition, and you can give too much of yourself and not get back what you deserve.  Are you being a martyr?  It is a process we go through.  Realizing this later leads to regret.  Changes, shocks and surprises in how you may discover how you’ve been letting yourself down will come up.  Take action in using wisdom to help you through this.  You are the thinker Gemini, philosophize on this to evolve.  You may use a trusted group of people to help you understand your own higher wisdom and even your trusted contractual partner like your spouse can help you.  Reading books can help you with a different perspective or trying NLP.

This is also an area of addictions, illusions, secrets and deceit.  You may gain from surprising situations in letting go of these negative aspects of life.  This is all about moving you into the future.  You could have a bit of a stubborn hold on something like this, but yet at the same time know you need to grow out of it.  Using institutions and groups of people to help you out of these situations, could be the key out.  You may use science and technology in some way as well.  You are savvy, look up ways to release any illusions that could be very very different than you ever thought of before, you won’t have a problem being open to new ways, you’re a Gemini!

For your birthday year ahead, another theme that takes place is an expansion in your career.  You will be doing more of an intellectual review of your career through this year.  Really philosophizing about your future direction of it.  You would really benefit from reading, taking classes, looking at what other cultures are doing, looking into any law related knowledge you may need, as you can see, this is a time to expand your knowledge in what you want your career to be.  Explore healers, see what institutions have to offer, look into hypnotherapy.  Doing this work will really prepare you for next year when it will be all about an expansion in your career.  This is something well worth planning for as you will have luck, optimism, opportunity and wealth.  Prepare for this wonderful time as Jupiter won’t be in your sign again for another 12 years and you get to host him for one full year.  Expand your knowledge dear Gemini!

Mercury will be going retrograde one more time this year.  From September 27th to October 18th he will be going retrograde in Libra in your 5th house.  This is a fellow Air sign and this works well for you in that it is all about intellect, communication, ideas, knowledge, logic and connecting through relationships.  He wants you to find balance in your life.  This can mean in all areas, but especially in your relationships.  He is telling you that this is up for review and that you really need to think about how your relationships are functioning.  What ways are they in balance and what ways are they out of balance.  He also wants you to review that which you are creating in your life.  This is an exciting area in that you create fun, play and entertainment.  You create true love, romance and passion.  You also create children too.  As well as self-employment and therefore being an entrepreneur.  How you communicate within these areas of relationships and what it is you’re creating in your life will be up for review.  After he goes direct, you will be able to move forward with confidence and vigor.  


Happy Birthday Capricorn the Goat


Happy Birthday Taurus the Bull!