Happy Birthday Pisces the Fish!

Your keywords are “I Believe” and belief is more powerful than logic, what do you believe Pisces?  

  • Your Archetype is the search for the Castle of Peace.

  • Your most likeable trait is Compassion.

  • Your Motivation is to heal through compassion.

Dear Pisces the Fish, Happy Birthday!  Your Birth Chart is like your thumbprint, no one else has it!  As a general overview of what’s to come this year for the Compassionate sign of Pisces that you encompass, let’s take a look.  On February 18th, Mother Earth moves into the Constellation of Pisces and will move through this area of our galaxy until March 19th.  

For all Pisces, I have stated before, that you have the very special gift of hosting your Ruler Neptune, the Planet of Illusion.  He takes 14 years to travel through one sign, so Pisces born after he leaves Your Sign in 2026, will never experience the magnitude of the power you are receiving now.  It won’t be until those born around 2102 that Pisces will experience their Ruler in their lifetime, that is if they live a full lifetime.  What does hosting your Ruler mean for you dear Creative Pisces?

Each sign carries a power and you have the power of imagination.  As Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."  Einstein was also a Pisces himself!  So use your power of imagination, create, use your natural talents you were born with, heal, become one with your art, gain utopia, use hypnosis to gain peace and overcome addictions, use spiritual practices to become centered as well as nature, these will help you gain psychic abilities and to use your intuition for life purpose and guide.  

For your birthday month and the whole year ahead, it’s time for some self love.  You give so much of yourself to others dear Pisces, make the time for yourself to not only do some things that are pampering, but also do the things you love to do.  You are a natural artist, set out the time to become one with your creation where you don’t have any distractions.  This will be healing for you and it’s something you need to do.  

The year ahead of 2021 - This will be a great year for you Pisces.  Here’s what’s to come:

  • You can really become part of a group that is in alignment with your sense of humanitarianism, social awareness, the collective, working in groups, and this can become part of your career or an expansion of it.

  • You enjoy the unknown and being open to all kinds of thoughts, people, lifestyles and this energy is just that.  You will fit in just fine with all different ways of being.

  • You can become part of an institution and this fits really well with how you operate. Institutions include religion, government, hospitals and healthcare, prisons, schools of all levels, financial and economic, police and legal, cultural, NA, AA, psychology, community service, etc.

  • This year offers an opportunity for you to self-undo, that means to look to see how much you are giving of yourself where you don’t get back in return.  What is no longer serving you, that needs to be finished?  What in life, in your experience, do you need to let go of?  This can be a thought pattern as well.  This is part of life, this is the cycle of life, and then you will be reborn!

  • Through your power of imagination and creativity, you will be innovative.  Show this to expand it.

  • Expand, learn, philosophize, think big picture, think about the collective, think of the future and be optimistic.

  • Let go of addiction, sorrows, deceit and secrets to heal.

Here are some dates to watch for during your Birth Month:

February 25th - An opportunity out of the blue that’s works very well for you Pisces!  It will have to do with a type of communication (see below).  And it will be in alignment with your purpose, your direction, your identity and your life force energy.  Plan for this day and communicate to make it happen, it is grounded.  Plus by now Mercury is direct, move forward!

Communications include speaking, writing, reading, thinking, TV, broadcasting, email, internet, non-verbal, listening, texting, blogging, videos, photography, web sites, singing, acting, how you think, mental activities, ideas, figuring things out, analyses, choice of words, reason, contracts, storytelling, lying, conning, learning, journals, books, etc.

March 3rd - There’s an opportunity with something you love, something that has beauty, grace and appeal, it is something you value and identify with and it is a surprise, it comes out of the blue but yet is stable.  And again, this beautiful opportunity has to do with communication.  This communication can have something to do with something you are building.

March 10th - 13th - Oh my dear Pisces, this is your birthday gift!!!  Celebrate You!!!!  Starting on the 10th, get creative, shine, use your imagination (I know, I said it again!!!), live in a fantasy, tap into your creative genius, go to a hypnotherapist, write your dreams in a journal, use your imagination to guide you to your purpose, your direction and your life force energy!  

The energy continues and shifts into love, beauty, grace, cooperation in your essence.  That is your imagination, your creativity, your healing, your fantasy, so yes, it’s your birthday gift and it’s a birthday to plan for what you want for you!  Mark down March 13th, a Saturday, to do you, be you, and love you!!!  Continue with your creative genius Pisces, you are in your element!!!  Get into nature and art or both and relish in the day!

March 13th is also a day to start a new beginning in what you want for you.  What do you identify with?  What is your direct and purpose?  I know, Pisces, you are ok with not knowing where you are going, but we all need a goal, even if it is more about your feelings that’s fine as they will guide you toward your attraction and that is your goal.  Artwork, singing, dancing, building, sculpture, acting, playing a musical instrument, whatever your talent is where you can explore is a wonderful thing to continue to do.  You may explore institutions, groups, humanitarian causes, scientific innovations, technology to use your service skills for this new beginning.  This is a five star day!!  Plan for this time and make it a Birthday to remember!

March 16th until the beginning of April - You are hosting Mercury and he is having you move forward, getting things movin and shakin!  You are thinking, learning, reading, writing, using the internet, communicating about all this energy that’s been in your element.  This is excellent for you Pisces, use this intellectual energy to move forward, learn and understand what you want for purpose, how to move in the direction you want to and being one with your life force energy.  Narrow your focus on the feeling of alignment in what matches you.


Happy Birthday Aries the Ram!