Pisces Horoscope October 2021

Dear Pisces the Fish, Your Ruler Neptune, The Planet of Illusion is retrograde in your sign.  He turns direct on December 2nd.  He is sleeping right now and wanting you to review yourself, who you are, your direction in life, what motivates you, what excites you.  Your power is the imagination, so use this to review what it is in you life that you want for you.  We’ve got 4 planets going direct this month, so by November, things will feel more in motion.  And with Neptune going direct in December, things will be happenin!  Let’s get through October first...Let’s Follow the Planets…

Neptune, The God of the Sea, The Planet of Illusion, is sleeping right now and when he wakes up, he wants you to be ready to move forward with how you want your life to be for yourself.  While he’s asleep, it’s review time.  As I mentioned above, reviewing what you want for yourself is what he wants for you.  This is because you receive the honor of hosting your ruler in this lifetime.  He takes 14 years to travel through one sign.  When he leaves your sign in January of 2026, those Pisces born after this date will not receive this honor of hosting their ruler.  This is a gift for you Pisces, use it to your advantage.  While he not only wants you to review what you want for yourself, he wants you to explore your imagination, use compassion, and be amazingly creative.  These are your powers!  As he is The Planet of Illusion, he has you thinking about what is an illusion in your life.  Isn’t life an illusion anyway!!  What is reality?  You create your reality, so what is that Pisces?  You are about the collective and what is good for the whole.  Realize what collective groups you are swimming with and if they share the same values as you do.  You can be a martyr dear compassionate Pisces.  This is not healthy and you need to know if you are giving too much of yourself without getting what you need in return.  Is this leading to an addiction to make you feel better?  What do you need to release?  Going to therapy will help you.  You could go to group therapy, hypnosis, psychology, whatever it is that works for you, seek it out.  You follow your feelings, so if you feel right about a healing group or person, try them out, try several different ones.  There is no limit to healing.  Mercury is retrograde, let’s talk about him…

August 30th - November 5th - Mercury travels through Libra

September 27th - October 18th - Retrogrades in Libra from 25 Degrees to 10 Degrees

This energy has you focusing on a balance in lump sums of money Pisces. It’s not the time to move money around, it is a time to research lump sums of money.  This includes things like stocks, retirement, inheritance, mortgages, loans, etc.  Really taking action in learning all about what the ins and outs are to these lump sums of money that pertain to your life right now.  Take a class, try out a class, buy books, read and understand the fine print, look up sites online that can teach you.  That is what this energy is all about, learning and researching.  It’s not the time to buy stocks, shift money around or sign any contracts.  This is also about a balance in life, equality, sharing, what’s fair and cooperating.  If you do have a significant other, it’s a good time to go over these things together and really understand what the indications are about these lump sums of money and how they affect you both on an equal level.

October 6th - New Moon in Libra at 13 Degrees - You could get a new beginning with the research you’ve done, you could set up a meeting with a financial expert, you could re-start something from before that you worked on but go put aside, you could talk to someone you’ve been trying to get a hold of regarding lump sums of money.  Talk, learn, understand.  Don’t sign.  It’s not a time to sign a contract or start up any new stock or new investment.  It's time to research and learn.  Be very active in your learning, this will help you advance.  Do something each day to learn more.  Share what you learn with your spouse or your significant other if you have one.  If not, and you’re talking with a financial advisor or HR at work, keep in mind what’s fair for you

October 11th - Saturn turns direct at 6 Degrees Aquarius - Giving us Earthlings a final chance to learn something.  He moves slowly giving you ample opportunity for this tough learning lesson.  You’ll have until around January 19th to move on as he will enter untouched degrees at this point of time and space.  Your learning lesson, Pisces, is to set boundaries with groups of people.  Groups of people can mean a group of friends, a group you’re involved with that share a similar interest...something like a group you belong to that saves animals, a group related to your corporation you are employed with.  This is an interesting mix of energies here as Saturn is all about setting boundaries, limitations, having a structure and sticking to the rules and regulations.  His presence in your 12th house, the house you rule, is about letting go, healing, using your imagination.  This is the time to set limits for yourself!!!  OMG, Pisces, the fish, swimming anywhere in the world she wants go to set limits for themselves!!!!  You need it Pisces.  This is good for you to have a structure and this just might be what you need to heal.  Have a regular timely meeting with a therapist or a group of healers, limit your alcohol or drug or addiction or be done with it, create boundaries where you need to so that people are not taking advantage of your sweet compassion, generosity and kindness.  Reflect on this and get some help with it if you need to.  By the end of the month, things are moving ahead.

October 18th - Jupiter turns direct at 22 Degrees Aquarius - Giving you a last opportunity to expand in an area you’ve been trying to but have felt held back.  Perhaps you needed to wait it out, it is all about timing.  Jupiter wanted you to review this area of letting go and healing and now this is the final lesson to learn until January 12th when he enters new degrees in Pisces.  Yes, you will be hosting Jupiter and your Ruler Neptune most of next year.  Jupiter likes to go big, he is the largest planet in our solar system!!!  Plan for his arrival into your sign Pisces.  By that I mean, go big in your healing, go big in letting go of that which no longer serves your best interest, expand on your mental awareness and learning so that you can do the ultimate of letting go.  When you do this, you will set the stage for his presence in your sign opening up great opportunities, opening up a new expanded way of life, opening up a new way to learn more about yourself and the whole wide world.  Do the work Pisces, you’ll be happy you did!

October 20th - Full Moon in Aries at 27 Degrees - This is an ending in something you value, a possession, it could be an accumulation of using a resource in how you earn money.  Mercury is just waking up, so be careful now about your words, things are especially unclear and electronics act wonky.  I just turn mine off, what until Mercury is up to speed and then they act normal again!!  This ending is in an area of how you earn an income.  You could be ending a job with an employer.  This will change how you move your body around each day, by not going into work, or going to the same coffee shop to work on your computer.  You could have had a physical job that has ended.  Say you’re a massage therapist and a regular client has stopped your service for some reason.  You could have accumulated the possessions you needed to furnish your house, that is another ending that could happen.  You could also have ended a course that adds value to the talents you bring to your job for that earned income.  These are some examples, but they will relate to what is happening in your life and in your birth chart.  This is a strong ending, a strong exposure or an accumulation that has to do with how you earn an income, what your talents are, what you value in your daily work, what resources you have to complete your job and how you spend the money you work so hard to create.