Neptune in Pisces

Dear All Earthlings!  I will be focusing on Neptune in this article and how this big heavy slow moving planet is having an effect on us all around the Earth while he is in his final degrees of traveling through the sign he rules, Pisces.  

Neptune, The God of the Sea, The Planet of Illusion, is such an interesting topic to explore.  The ocean is an illusion, at times you can’t tell where it stops and where the sky begins.  What is under the surface of the sea?  So many creatures and plants and life.  It’s another whole entire world going on right here on Earth!!!  Even when you go underneath the water, it’s still a mystery.  Sometimes you think you may see something, but it’s not what you think it is.  This is about water, and water is everywhere!  It changes shape easily, it changes form easily.  It adjusts to hot and cold, it freezes and it burns.  It can also heal.   Our bodies are made up of 80% of water and we cannot live without it.  It defines Planet Earth and gives life.

Neptune will be traveling through the sign he rules Pisces until January 2026.  He takes 14 years to travel through one sign, so the fact that we are honored to live during this host, makes this time very special.  This is an energy we must be aware of and learn from.

Pisces is the Sign of the Fish, moving so freely in a school in the big ocean with no boundaries.  Pisces keywords are ‘I Believe’.  Belief is stronger than logic, you know Earthlings, think about that for a moment!  Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, a sign of endings, a water sign who is very in tune with emotions, intuition and is guided by feelings.  Pisces power is that of the IMAGINATION, limitless, explorative, creative.  Albert Einstein was a Pisces, and he said that imagination is more powerful than knowledge, because knowledge is limited and imagination is not.  Pisces is the most compassionate sign who has a sweetness that’s internal.  All signs have positive and negative qualities, just like an atom.  I will go over the aspects of Neptune and Pisces, then I will discuss how these energies are affecting us Earthlings here on Earth on a social level.

NEPTUNE - The Planet of Mystery and Illusion.  Collective outlook, power of the imagination, dream life, mystic qualities, hypnosis, unusual, unexplainable, occult, psychic phenomena, refining, spirituality, art, rules all water, subconscious, intuition, clairvoyance.  Rules things that are INTANGIBLE.  Rules dream life and things artistic like motion pictures, drama, dance, poetry.  Rules anesthesia, hypnosis, poisons, addictions.  Rules institutions such as hospitals, prisons, schools of all levels, government, religion, police and law, NA, AA, psychology, healthcare, financial and economic settings, community service, etc.  Also rules deception, con, confusion, fraud, treachery, sham, can’t separate fantasy from reality.  Has subtle creative genius and is your spiritual quest.  What is reality?


Positive Characteristics:

Compassionate, artistic, musical, intuitive, empathic, self-sacrificing, sympathetic, charitable, mystic, spiritual, romantic, idealistic, devoted, receptive, imaginative, emotionally sensitive, selfless.  Works in groups, behind the scenes such as in the institutions listed above.  The Nurse is the perfect description of a Pisces, working behind the scenes, transforming patients into the afterlife, into the unknown, the intangible, providing compassion, care and nonjudgement.  Nursing the illusion of life at this point of the final accumulation of the never ending circle of life.  Providing what is needed for the ending of this lifetime.

Negative Characteristics:

Self-pity, worry, fearful, impractical, melancholy, timid, feels misunderstood, indulgent, reclusive, moody, secretive, hypersensitive, indecisive, inferiority complex, martyr, chameleon, impressionable.  May fall into deception, con, confusion, fraud, treachery, sham.  May swim with the wrong fish and not know it, like a camouflage.

So, how has this been affecting us, how are we Earthlings living in this Illusionary state?  For about the past 10 years, since Neptune moved into Pisces on February 3rd, 2012, things have shifted into groups of illusion.  Many people's question has been: what is real?  Social media became a way of life, your personal information is no longer private, crime has evolved into people posing as another person.  The quotes became fake news.  The way people present themselves online is altered.  Seems as though it’s all an illusion, even how we look.  Fake nails, fake eyelashes, fake boobs, fake hair, fake dating, fake persona, fake bodies, fake impressions, fake faces.  Men’s inappropriate and unwanted sexual advances have been exposed when they have been acting in a whole different way on the face of the big screen.  Who are these men portraying themselves in such respectable positions acting in such unrespectable ways? 

No one really knows what is real in the media.  Especially with the help of social media.  People are portraying themselves as a whole different person.  Everyone is so happy and having so much fun, ALL THE TIME!  That’s not real, life is all about ups and downs, we must have difficult situations in order to learn.  Even people in person are conning. There are TV shows that have made this even more prevalent.  One being the Circle.  On that show you win $100,000 for being the most popular.  No one meets each other in person though (until you’re voted off), so everyone could be acting as someone else the whole time.  You don’t know who is acting as a real person and who is not.  A crime TV show has been made based on this, called Clickbate, more on that later.  Online dating has become a mystery in that you really don’t know who the person is you’re talking to online or even in person.  The person you date could make others their friends as pretend friends!  All of this is what is called Catfishing.  A term well known by everyone now.  Such a perfect name considering Pisces is the Fish!

Then we move to Gaslighting.  Newscasters and politicians are really taking advantage of this energy now.  Trying to turn the tables so that the focus is turned on the other person, not on what their own wrongdoing is.  This is making people question themselves, the other person and having doubt on what is real and who is really responsible.  This also plays into the martyr, the victim, the self sabotaging person.  Some may say in such a weak state, that it was their fault because they shouldn’t have said it in the first place, when the other person needs to own up!  Perfect for a con artist to play on.  Perfect for a predator to prey on such a victim mentality.  Everyone seems to try to self sabotage by playing the victim role these days.  It’s not my fault, they did it, it wasn’t me.  Blindly not wanting to take ownership for why they have involved themselves in the situation in the first place.  Inferiority complex, reclusive, self pity. 

All of this uncertainty has made people want to join in, or believe in (AKA ‘I Believe’), something for their sanity.  What’s so easy now is to join a group of people that you think carry the same values as you.  This becomes cult driven.  Pisces rules over cults by their way of swimming with the school of fish as a camouflage.  It’s easy, it’s all online, you can voice whatever you want to, and pretend it’s not you, and with this you can think you won’t have any repercussions as to what you say or do either, besides you are in the group, everyone in the group is doing it too.  There’s an innocence or camouflage like way of an excuse, where everyone else is doing it, so can I.  Even if it is wrong.  They may get so involved and stuck in their head, all alone, reasoning is gone.  Remember, this is about an illusionary social system.  Pisces can have self pity and be solo, so this energy works perfect for our times now where you don’t need to meet out with friends, you don’t need to go out for a movie, or a drink or food or sex or dating or work or social exchanges or anything!  You can do everything from the comfort of your home, all alone, all in your mind, all in your righteousness, all with your computer, all with your liquor cabinet, all with your drugs delivered, all with your big screen TV, all in your illusionary lifestyle trying to figure out what is real and what isn’t...or maybe you aren’t.  Maybe you’re swimming with the group of fish, camouflaging yourself with them, submitting to addiction because that’s all you have, staying in the background, staying safe, with the others, but not really with the others.

Now we move to crime and how it has evolved.  In the 70’s, serial killers were common.  Then came technology where we can scientifically prove DNA, dental records, skin under fingernails, who’s hair it is, fingerprints, etc.  This forensic science has made it more difficult for criminals to do this kind of individual mass killing.  Today, crime has moved to deceit, con artists, treachery, and fraud.  People around the world are pretending to be someone else or even someone you know to try to get money.   Phone calls from someone who needs money to get your grandson out of jail, mailers coming in saying you owe money for some service, dating sites used to pretend like you are dating but out to get your money, apartments up for rent asking for money when it’s not even a real apartment, people dating saying they are a doctor, scrubs on and all, but it’s all a lie for your money.  This can go to extreme cases where people pretend and lie and act like a whole different person all the way from a classmate to a spouse.  

And then there’s the topic of addiction.  The opioid epidemic.  Everyone is drunk.  Everyone is stoned.  Online sex addiction is everywhere.  There's loneliness that is unhealthy that is widespread.  The negative traits here are what all point to addiction of all types.  Here they are: Self-pity - “I’ll just drink”, worry - “I’m better alone”, fearful - “I just won’t go because I won’t be accepted like I am online”, impractical - “I’ll work from home for now on”, melancholy - “Blaaa, I’ll get stoned”, timid - “I’ll get some painkillers”, feels misunderstood - “I’ll get online to feel part of a group”, indulgent - “I’ll just have sex online”, reclusive - “I’m better off alone”, moody - “don’t talk to me”, secretive - “no one knows my sex life”, hypersensitive - “how dare you tell me I smoke weed too much”, indecisive - “I don’t know what to do, I’ll just drink”, inferiority complex - “I’m not good enough to date”, martyr - “I’ll just stay in this abusive relationship”, chameleon - “I’ll go hang out with my online friends, where I fit in”, impressionable - “Yeah, it’s ok to think like them, everyone else does.”

I’ll keep politics out of it as you can think for yourself what divisions have been going on around the world, who’s right, who’s wrong, what groups have formed, what group actions have taken place.  

So what’s to come Earthlings?  January 19th, 2022, Jupiter will be expanding all of these things as he moves into Pisces.  New laws could advance with these areas as they already have.  It won’t be until March 2023 and two and a half years after that we’ll see many more limitations on these actions as this is when Saturn moves into Pisces.  

Having this understanding of these energies is important for your safety.  This awareness will open you up to more ways of thinking than just one.  And remember, you can focus on the positive side of Neptune and Pisces.  You can use your imagination to advance your life to areas above and beyond, you can get creative in ways that are boundless, you can heal from trauma, you can let go of that which no longer serves your best self, you can forgive and have compassion, you can seek a group of people that are about a positive cause/change, you can build up positive supportive relationships, you can go to all kinds of therapist as there is no limit to healing, you can stop addiction, you can be with the most loving of all beings and help animals, there is just so much more to this collective than the negative parts.  There are so many resources available for you to break out of these things so that you can live a happy fulfilled life.  I like to end on a positive note by saying to remember to use your imagination in all areas of life and use groups of people to check in with those that are supportive.  Get creative, support and compassion are available. 


Saturn Square Uranus 2021